Program Offerings

Women's Free-Weight Training Class
Lift like a man, look like a Goddess!
It’s a myth that women that lift weights are going to get big. That’s the main reason why women don’t do it. Many women are also not comfortable tossing around weights in the "man-pit" at the gym. Due to the above reasons, women generally take part in cardio work outs and weight lifting machines because these activities appear "safer".
Why is weight-lifting good for me?
 Lifting weights gives you a metabolic spike which lasts for approximately an hour after your workout.  This is due to the fact that your body is trying to help your muscles recover from the workout.  During this spike, your body will continue to burn calories even though you have finished your strength training session … and even while you are relaxing.  And, because muscles use a lot of energy to sustain themselves, for every 3 pounds of muscle you build, your body will burn an additional 120 calories per day!
After participating in the Women's Free-Weight Training Class, you will:
  • Feel empowered, encouraged and gain the self-confidence needed to utilize the free-weight equipment at the gym. 
  • Become educated about how to properly weight-lift.  
  • Gain self-efficacy so that you feel comfortable weight lifting on your own.
  • By the end of the class you will get a customized weight training routine

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